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Mental Ray Satellite Network Rendering on Slackware

How to set up Mental Ray Satellite on Slackware clients

Software: Autodesk Maya 8.5
OS: Slackware 12

mental_ray_satellite-x.x-xxx.i686.rpm is found on the Maya 8.5
cd or DVD.

1. Client Installation:
Create install package for Slackware:
rpm2tgz mental_ray_satellite-x.x-xxx.i686.rpm

Install the package:
installpkg mental_ray_satellite-x.x-xxx.i686.tgz

2. Configure client:
Make sure inetd is installed and running:
/etc/rc.d/rc.inetd start

then run /usr/autodesk/mentalraysat85/bin/netsetup_satellite

This will add the mi-raysat service to your /etc/inetd.conf

Make sure you allow this service in /etc/hosts.allow

The portnumbers to use is set in /etc/services
(7106 by default)

3. Configure host:
Create a file called maya.rayhosts in the home directory of
the maya workstation. Add clients on a single line like this:

# Client IP and portnumber to use:
# etc.

4. Configure Mental Ray for Maya:
Maya must be restarted for new entries in the maya.rayhosts
file. Open a scene in Maya and go 
render -> render using -> mental ray.
Then go 
render current frame (options)
In messages, select 'progress messages' to see verbose
render output in console window (start maya from console)
In Network, select 'render on network machines'
Hit 'render' and you should see your clients at work in the 
console window. If something goes wrong, scroll up to look 
for error messages at the start of console render output.

Even though Mental Ray Satellite works in some settings, I find
it to be very unstable and not reliable. It is by no means as
friendly, flexible and  solid as Rendermans Alfred. If one of
your render clients go down during a renderjob, it may very
well crash the host and break your deadline (!).

I have also tried to set up a MS Windows XP box as a render client, with
no success. This might have something to do with missing SSE or SSE2
instructions in the test clients AMD processor. The error message is:

"LINK 1.n error 191007: cannot load F:/Program
This application has failed to start because the
application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the
application may fix this problem."

I have not been able to resolve this issue. Look at the 
combination of forward and backwards slashes in the path. 
Does not make much sense.

For a fresh Win XP you'll need to download MSVCP71.DLL and put
it in WINDOWS/System32 folder to have any communication with
Mental Ray Satellite what so ever (aka "Welcome message")