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./nfo/linux/Alias|Wavefront Maya/projection.texture/maya.projection.scale.nfo

# www.RLH.no 20110816
# Maya projection texture script for Linux.
# Credit to Dubravka, Ulf & Eric.

# This script will scale tif image sequence to fit perfectly
# in a video projection simulation from a Maya spotlight.
# 1. Set resolution of texture (128, 256, 512, 1024 or 2048).
# 2. Set filetype of original sequence (tif).
# 3. Run this script in the original sequence folder.
# 4. A new batch of images scaled for projection are created
#    with the prefix of proj.[size].[original_filename]
# 5. Create a default spotlight in Maya.
# 6. Connect the projection sequence to the spotlights color 
#    channel as a file sequence.
# NOTE: Images without color seems to be output as grayscale,
# wich crashes Maya 2012 when connected to the spotlights
# color channel. Try to add "-type TrueColor" to the convert
# command. Will implement later :) 

# ------------------------------------------------------------

# Set texture size:

# SIZE=128
# SIZE=256
# SIZE=1024
# SIZE=2048

# Set file type:


# ------------------------------------------------------------

for f in $( ls *.$EXT )

  # Get image geometry:
  WIDTH=$(identify -format '%w' $f)
  HEIGHT=$(identify -format '%h' $f)

  # Find hypotenus of image:
  HYP=$(echo "scale=3; sqrt($WIDTH^2+$HEIGHT^2)" | bc)

  # Round up decimals:
  HYP=$(echo "$HYP" | awk '{printf "%.0f", $1}')

  # Execute:
  convert \
  -background transparent \
  -gravity center \
  -extent "$HYP"x"$HYP" \
  -scale "$SIZE"x"$SIZE" \
  $f \

  echo "proj.$SIZE.$f done..."
